Estimados Colegas , En ésta semana se dió un evento sumamente importante ...promovido por la compañia transnacional IBM se llevó a cabo lo que llamó INNOVATION JAM ..... en él , empleados , clientes ,proveedores, y hasta los familiares participaron con ideas y con comentarios sobre que podría servir para INNOVAR y modelar nuestro futuro .... Y fué durante éste evento que me encontré con la siguiente idea proveniente de un colega de Canada . A mi me pareció la mejor de las ideas que leí ( por supuesto de las pocas que leí ..pués hubo más de 37 mil comentarios en el JAM ...) pero por su trascendencia , por la manera tan simple, directa , y deliciosamente inteligente en que propone cerrar la brecha entre ricos y pobres me pareció importante que yo contribuya a su difusión a través de éste foro .(Posteriormente incluiré la versión de el mismo en español. ) Me encantaría conocer sus opiniones al respecto !!!!! aquí el mencionado comentario / idea . ************************************************************** Closing the prosperity gap -
Market Influence It is common knowledge across the world, that while the prosperity gap continues to increase within individual countries at a high rate, the prosperity gap between nations also grows at a high rate. This is an action that we have caused; we have produced economic models based on consumerism that have continued to drive this gap. We are constantly flooding individuals with information about product characteristics and marketing to create NEEDS for products that truly aren’t global needs, they are designed to create NEEDS within the individual. The other characteristic driven to the consumer is price. Since those are the areas that the consumer has information on to aid him in his decision, it is also the focus of our drive for the dollar, since that is dictated by marketplace. Corporations drive to increase product enhancements, and cut costs, as that is what the MARKET demands, but it is all the market knows simply because it is what they are told. This activity of business & government telling the market limited information, creates an environment in which business, government define what is important, and not the market place. The stock market drives behaviours to increase sales and profit and return for the investor. This is driven through consumerism, which is driven now based on PC & Price. We are never going to get away from the mind set that people will buy stocks to make money, but let’s change the way in which we inform the consumer, so the market can properly punish those companies who act in manners to increase the economic gap between nations and people, and in general, ways the world consider detrimental. There are enough resources on this planet that NO ONE needs to be in need, it is our DISTRIBUTION models of those resources, that are creating the problems. We have the technology within our environment to educate consumers not only on the price and product characteristics, but on the sociological impacts of their purchases. We have TV screens at gas pumps, and in the grocery stores…LET’S USE THEM! If I, as a consumer, had a choice between two companies, I would gladly pay a small premium on a product knowing the company was adhering to my social values, which are often GLOBAL in nature (Peace, Prosperity, Human Rights etc…). If I had the choice between paying $1 dollar for peanut butter that was made from slave labour (an extreme) from Company A, or $1.10 for peanut butter that was made where I knew the people were paid appropriately. I would spend the extra 10 cents! We have all seen this! It’s in the news everyday! Let’s give the MARKET, the chance to change this. To allow the market to drive it, we need to EDUCATE the market. Does IBM truly want to be a global company, be globally innovative, then let’s use our technology to give the MARKET a chance to change. Let those companies who do not foster our values, and employ poor working conditions, poor human rights etc…be PUNISHED by the MARKET. Let those who promote balanced economic environments, human rights etc…be AWARDED by the market. This is not possible, as long as we allow product characteristics and price to be the market motivation. Let IBM reflect that while we can be a great Global Company, our corporate responsibility…is GLOBAL as well. This is a time in history…where are company can be not only a business leader, but a TRUE GLOBAL LEADER, in every sense of the word! written by : Jason Vanzante IBM, CA July 24-2006
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